
Route 1-Center of Málaga: Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Acto de apertura de curso académico 2021-2022, en la iglesia del Sagrado Corazón // E. LLAMAS
Publicado: 01/03/2022: 2631

Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Plaza de San Ignacio, 2 29008 Málaga

Temple´s history and style

On 7th June 1907, D. Juan Muñoz Herrera, Bishop of Málaga, laid the first stone of the Church of the Sacred Heart, on the grounds that Mrs. Carmen Morales and some other friends had bought for the Society of Jesus, in the site known today as Plaza de San Ignacio. It was inaugurated on 12th May 1920. The architects were D. Fernando Guerrero Strachan (1879-1930), and D. Manuel Rivera Vera (1879-1940).

In pure neo-gothic style, it became one of the few prototypes of buildings of this style in the city of Málaga. The architect defines it as: “It is of ogival style… mixed it with Muslim elements…” The building has the form of a Latin-cross, with three naves, and a transversal nave of minor dimensions. The transept is crowned by a dome of great architectonic value. It follows the style of Burgos, of octagonal plant. The nerves form an star in the centre. The main altarpiece is the work of Adrián Risueño, of transition style from the gothic to the plateresque, the style of the Catholic Kings.

Sacred Heart of Jesus

A statute of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is venerated in this church. In the central altarpiece stands the Sacred Heart of Jesus, work of Valencian Francisco de Pablo, 1940. Higher above stands an image of Mary Immaculate. On the lateral sides (from right to left) some saints who have been very important in the spread of the devotion to the Sacred Heart can be seen.

The sepulchre of Blessed Fr. Tiburcio Arnaiz

On the epistle side (right nave) is located the burial site of Blessed Fr. Tiburcio Arnaiz. He died in Málaga, in odor of sanctity, on July 18th 1926, and was beatified in Málaga on October 20th 2018. His tomb is made of speckled green marble. His popular devotion is manifested by the number of flowers and visits received at the end of every day.

Masses Timetable: click here.

Diócesis Málaga

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